
Sunday, August 12, 2012


Wow! Time has just been flying by and I apparently cannot keep up! So to give a quick update, I am currently in the middle of Week Three of P90X. My weight has been fluctuating so much that I'm getting annoyed with weigh-ins but right now I am at 182 lbs. I really hope I can at least be out of the 180's by next week. Phase One is almost over and I've only lost 2 lbs? Lame. However, I do have to admit that I have noticed a difference in the way my clothes fit and the shape of my body is improving already too. 

This picture is comparing Day One picture (left) and end of Week 2 picture (right). Small change but it also seems to change daily. Sometimes I feel thin but look big and vice versa. It's getting me discouraged a little but I'm doing my best with keeping up motivation. 

Think positive. Work hard. Get results.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Still Sore!

Yesterday was Day 6 - Kenpo X! I LOVE this workout and I was looking forward to it since I used to do it years ago. I pushed really hard yesterday and I can tell by the way my body feels! It's been a week and I have yet to cease being sore - I love it! Today is just an X Stretch day so maybe my body can recover some before having to do it all over again.

I was actually beginning to loosen up yesterday because the day before that was Yoga X but Kenpo X made sure I felt the burn right through the end of the week! :) P90X is such a great program!!

P.S. tomorrow I will do a weigh-in to see how much I've lost during this first week of P90X! Excited ;)

What are you doing to lose weight or stay fit? I'd like to hear some awesome ideas!

Think positive. Work hard. Get results.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday: Day 5 of P90X!

Hello there!

So today marks Day 5 of my P90X journey! It's going great!

Day 1 was Chest & Back with Ab Ripper X: Chest & Back wasn't too hard but I think I need more resistance when doing my "pull-ups" with the bands. Ab Ripper X is awesome, I love it! But it is pretty challenging right now.

Day 2 was Plyometrics: It's challenging but it keeps you moving! I had to take just a few more breaks than what Tony Horton already incorporates in the DVD but he always tells you it's okay to take breaks. Just "DO YOUR BEST & FORGET THE REST!"

Day 3 was Shoulders & Arms with Ab Ripper X: Shoulders & Arms is not too bad but I need to use different bands for some of the moves. Again, Ab Ripper X is awesome!

Day 4 was Yoga X: I CANNOT forget to put the 'X' at the end because it is more than just simple yoga! I honestly was sweating for this day than any of the 3 previous days. And I only did 30 minutes of the hour and a half DVD! It's rough! But it's something I will work on each week and hopefully by the end of Phase One, I will be able to do the majority of it!

I have been sore every day but the first two days were the worst soreness. But I love being sore because I know I worked hard, you know? And I love the feeling of stretching when I'm sore ;)

FYI, I will be doing weigh-ins every Thursday and will take updated pictures every two weeks! So far, I'm loving the program and I don't see any reason why I would stop until my 90 days are up!

Think positive. Work hard. Get results.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

P90X BEFORE Pictures & Weigh-In

Sorry about the dirty mirror, haha!

Current weight: 185 lbs.

Think positive. Work hard. Get results.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hello, P90X!!

Alright! So, I've been waiting for my sister to send me her copy of P90X and it's finally here! I will begin tomorrow!! I'm really excited to start the program. I am going to stick to the workout schedule pretty closely but I don't think I will be able to follow the eating plan as closely because of financial reasons. I will begin to document body shots and track weight loss!  

Think positive. Work hard. Get results.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Wednesday - Feeling Great!

Hello out there!
I hope everyone is having a fabulous Wednesday so far. I am working right now but I am so into this blogging thing that I just had to post something! :]

I woke up this morning around 7:50 a.m. and headed out the door about 8:15 a.m. I packed up some broccoli & carrots, a roasted red pepper yogurt dip, an apple, and a non-fat raspberry greek yogurt. On the road (I have a 2-hour commute) I ate my delicious greek yogurt. I had my apple just a bit ago and will have my veggies in an hour or so.

I will be posting about what I am eating and my exercise regimen, but what else would be useful to post?

I want to make sure that this is beneficial to anyone and everyone who may see it. So PLEASE let me know what you might like to see.

I am also planning to post any helpful tips and/or websites I find - anything that I used to gain more knowledge and aid me in my process I will pass along through here.

And of course, all advice and suggestions are welcome as well!

Let me know what you think!

Think positive. Work hard. Get results.


Please, click here: FACEBOOK & TWITTER
Also, please feel free to email me:

Ways to Connect With Me!

I just set up Facebook & Twitter accounts for this blog! Like? Follow? 

Thanks!! :>

Please, click here: FACEBOOK & TWITTER

Also, please feel free to email me:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Get to Know Me: Quick Facts

  • Age: 21 
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Starting weight: 196 lbs
  • Current weight: 185 lbs
  • Goal weight: 140 lbs
  • Education: BS in Advertising & Marketing Communications
  • Current employment: Interning at a PR firm; looking to gain full-time marketing position in mid-August
  • Hobbies: singing at the top of my lungs, writing, attempting to draw, exploring, learning, watching movies, being outdoors, being with loved ones
  • Favorite music: I am in love with Boyce Avenue, a band that started on YouTube. I will listen to anything, it depends on my mood. 
  • Favorite food: Mexican food
  • Sibling: 2 brothers, 1 sister - all older
  • Pets: 2 cats
  • Relationship status: I have a boyfriend of five and a half years, we live together, and I love him with all my heart! We're best friends!
  • Pet peeve: When the shampoo cap is not closed...seriously, just close it! haha


Getting Started

Hi there!

I'd like to start out by introducing myself and what I will be blogging about. I am a 21 year old gal who is a bit overweight...I am in need of some motivation and something that will truly hold me accountable to what I am trying to accomplish. So, I will be posting about my weight loss process, for the most part.

My journey has been off and on with this whole weight loss endeavor. You see, I LOVE junk food. In fact, the very first solid food my mom fed me was a french fry - so really, it's not my fault. Haha. No, I take full responsibility in the fact that I have a hard time passing up salty snacks and sweet treats. And usually, when I indulge in a tasty-but-not-so-good-for-you food, I eat it in a large amount - it's just habit :/

That, combined with the laziness of not wanting to exercise, will really do some damage as you might imagine. I hit my highest weight at around 196 lbs about two months ago. I constantly felt disgusting on the inside and out and my self esteem--which has always been pretty spotty--was plummeting. I do have to note that ever since I was 170 lbs, I've known that I HAD to lose weight and I would tell myself 'this HAS to STOP NOW' and I would start a diet and/or exercise program but then life happens (i.e. I would make excuses for why I had no time to commit). Another problem I have is I get bored fairly easily so even when I bought Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer (since I was sooo busy) I stopped that after a month and a half because I was bored.

For the past six weeks, I have been working out at least five times a week and eating smaller portions. I also write down what I eat. I am currently at 185 lbs - about an 11 lb loss. Not too bad, right? I have been jogging around, doing squats, a little weight/resistance training, etc. basically anything that I could think of. Of course, I am already pretty bored with the routine so next week I will begin P90X....again. I began P90X two years ago and it was working great but I stopped because I was too busy with work.

So, now, all that is occupying my time is an internship three days a week and I get home by 8 p.m. so what excuse can I come up with this time?? I am also impatient and just want this weight gone which is why I lose motivation. But I am DETERMINED to work hard at this and get to my goal weight of 140 lbs - a healthy weight for a female my height, 5'5". I am hoping that simply by keeping up this blog and writing about everything will not only hold me accountable but will keep up my motivation throughout this process.

I'm not sure who will end up seeing this blog, but I am so ashamed of how I look (I will be posting body shots) that I would probably die of embarrassment if anyone I knew saw this and knew it was me. I will be remaining anonymous by name; but, that way, I will hold nothing back with what I share with whomever somehow sees this. I am doing this blog for myself but I hope that somehow, some one who needs it will see it and get something positive out of it as well.

Think positive.Work hard. Get results.

CeeCee (my totally incognito alias)